Thursday, April 14, 2011

Artificial Faith

So the other night my wife Aimee & I were talking about faith, just faith, just plain straight up faith. Faith in God faith in each other, ect..ect..ect.. But when I really started to chew on it, I believe that a lot of people no longer have faith, because of disappointment's in their life by the whole name it & claim it, which in turn it probably never comes, because, it's just so crazy of what we believe for, or the whole if you live your life "right" good things will happen. Those messages really cheese me off because there are people who do live their life right & they are just going through the fire of life, losing their jobs, families, homes, ect.. People then get disappointed, then ask God I did every thing right & how come this situation still happen to us, why did I lose my house, my job or my family. Now just to let you know that I am all for wealth & for having a good & healthy life, to have the ability to create jobs, to be a blessing, to write checks to churches that have a vision to help people, but in overall thinking about this I wonder if we look to God as a sugar daddy instead of Lord. God... If you scratch my back I will scratch yours.. I know that I shouldn't of bought this house that I couldn't afford, but I thought you want me to have these things? You know God does but it's all in timing of when, when we learned how to handle & to manage of what we already have, because then He will trust us with much more.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post. :). I agree. according to matthew, jesus said to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And yet, we're often told in religious circles that using your mind - your reason, your logic - is bad. That it is faithless. I've come to believe that it is an essential part, along with the other three, of knowing God and knowing who we are in Him. So keep chewing bro. I am too.
